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    1 Author(s):  DR. NILESH KUMAR PATEL

Vol -  9, Issue- 9 ,         Page(s) : 67 - 74  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In the present era most of the teachers and educational institutions are facing problems about maintaining the status of teaching and qualitative improvement in teaching-learning process. These problems are occurring due to changing needs and expectations of the society. Rapid changes and innovations in the information and communication technology are also imposing this type of problems because most of the pupils get the curricular related information early before classroom teaching in satisfactory manner and then they (students) rate their teachers indirectly. Teachers and educational institutions do not come to know what are happening in students' mind and what perceptions students have about teachers' performance. In this way we can say that the students are tending to evaluate their teachers work in informal ways. If we think about administration related perspectives, main interest of every administration is on whether the teaching- learning process was fruitfully completed or not and for this purpose every administration wants to evaluate their teachers. In both of the cases i.e. at students' point of view and administration point of view teachers are expected to do their job according to the needs of best possible learning outcomes. That's why evaluation of teachers is in practice (formally or informally). This survey provides a platform for researchers to find out the gapes and scope for future studies.

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