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    1 Author(s):  K. KAMALJIT SINGH

Vol -  8, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 89 - 106  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In the high lands and natural bounties of Meghalaya, subsistence agriculture is practiced in the name of jhumming. It is a simple mode of production, providing subsistence and sustenance to individuals or communities. The tribals (Khasis and Garos) in these areas are matrilineal and strictly follow the kinship organization of the clan (kur, in the Khasi context). The clan regulates marriage, structures the pattern of social relations between kin, and provides the basis of family and religious organization. In the above setup, the Khasi women have a distinctly higher position and status with greater responsibilities than women of other societies.However, their role in decision-making is weak. This paper tries to bring a link between the matrilineal setup of the Khasis and the prevailing subsistence mode of production. A case study of the Nongtrai area is undertaken and most of the analysis done is from the primary data collected from the area.

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