( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  DR. DHANRAJ V. SHETE

Vol -  9, Issue- 10 ,         Page(s) : 29 - 35  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Indian sub-continent was divided into two sovereign states – India and Pakistan in 1947. The nation experienced the orgy of violence in the form of aftereffects of partition. Most of the creative writers reflected the picture of this ghastly development in their creative writing. Attia Hosain’s Sunlight on a Broken Column is also one of the novels based on the theme of partition. ‘Partition’ in fact was a political event. The novelist has captured the spirit of the event and its evil delving deep into the facts of the partition. The way the religion entered into the politics dividing the Hindus and the Muslims and how it was deliberately engineered and perpetrated by the politicians, using masses mere puppets in their hands, just to achieve their narrow and selfish ends of grabbing powers at any cost is the fact the writers wishes to present before the readers. But how the novelist has shown her skill by depicting the disintegration of her big Taluqdars family that represents the entire Muslim community that took decision to migrate Pakistan during the days of partition is the chief concern of the present paper.

  1. Anand, Mulk Raj. "A Profile" Sunlight on a Broken Column.New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann, 1987, p.ix..
  2. Hosain, Attia. Interviewed in London.Web. 5 December, 2009. <www.harappa.com/attia/attiahosaininterview.html>.
  3. ________. Sunlight on a Broken Column.New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1992.
  4. Kaul R.K. and Jasbir Jain. In Jasbir Jain eds. AttiaHosain: Writers of the Indian Diaspora. New Delhi: Rawat Publication, 2001.
  5. _______. "Preface" AttiaHosain: Writers of the Indian Diaspora. New Delhi: Rawat Publication, 2001.
  6. Mathur, R.K. "Socio-political values in AttiaHosain's Sunlight on a Broken Column." in R.K. Dhawan ed. Indian Women Novelists, Set II, Vol. 1. New Delhi: Prestige, 1993.

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