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    1 Author(s):  DR. SHAIKH MUSAK RAJJAK

Vol -  8, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 168 - 181  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Many Sufis wrote the Marathi literature in Medieval Deccan. Shah Muntoji Bahmani, Ambar Husain, Chand Bodhale, Shaikh Muhammad Shrigondekar, Alam Khan, Shah Baigh, Bajid Pathan, Latif Shah and Shaikh Sultan are the famous Sufi poets and authors of many books in Deccan. Shah Muntoji Bahmani was the seventeenth century Sufi poet and author. He wrote number of book like, Prakashdip, Siddhsanket, Hindu-Islam Darshan etc. in Marathi. His manuscripts are available at Rajwade Research Center and Shree Samarth Wangdevata Mandir Research Center at Dhule, Maharashtra. Ambar Husain of Daulatabad wrote Ambar Husaini and Samshlok in Marathi. Shaikh Muhammad Shrigondekar (1548-1618 CE) was another famous Sufi saint from Ahmednager Maharashtra. He was the Guru of Malojiraje Bhosle (the grandfather of Shivaji). His literature; Yogsangram, Pawan Vijay, Bhakti Bodha and Bharud are available today. Alam Khan wrote in Marathi books; Gurumahatmya and Updeshpad. These all Sufi authors from Sixteenth to Eighteenth century made the literature in Marathi language.

1.Tulpule S.G. & Anne Feldnaus, A Dictionary of Old Marathi, OUP, New York, 2000, p. xi; Sumit Guha, ‘Transitions and Translations: Regions, Power & Vernacular Identity in the Dakhan, 1500-1800’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa & the Middle East, 24:2, 2004. Pp.23-31;  George Michell & Mark Zebrowski, The New Cambridge History of India, 1:7 Architecture and Art of the Deccan Sultanates, Edited Volume, Cambridge, 1999, pp. 5-9;  Munis Faruqi & Vasudha Dalmiya, Religious Interactions in Mughal India, OUP, New Delhi, 2012,p.107.
2. Pathan, Y.M. Dr. (2011) Contribution of Muslim Saint Poets to Medieval Marathi Literature, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya Samskriti Mandal, Mumbai, pp.12-13;  Purnanad Charitra (Marathi), Hanuman Atmaja, Line No. 16:265;  Dhere, R.C. (1967) Musalman Marathi Sant Kavi (Marathi), Padmgandha Pub. Pune, pp. 9-43.
3. Shaikh Musak Rajjak, ‘Sufism, Marathi Bhakti Movemet and Eknath’s Hindu-Turk Samvad’, in Sufism:A Selebration of Love, Edited by Ajeet Caur, Refaqat Ali Khan, Prof. [Edi.](2012), FOSWAL, New Delhi, pp. 216-225; Shaikh Musak Rajjak, ‘Bhakti Cults in Medieval Marathwada and Sufism’, in Samshodhak Quarterly Journal, Rajwade History Research Institute, Dhule, pp. 40-51.
4. Shah Murtuza Bahamani, ‘Mrutunjaya’ (Marathi) Edi. By Dr. Shaikh Julfi, Guru Prakashan, Nagpur, pp. 17-49; Maharashtra Saarswat, Fifth Edition, V.L. Bhave & Tulpule S.G. Edi., Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 1963, pp.249, 782.
5. Shah Murtuza Bahamani, Avindh Punjikaran Kosh (Manuscript collection) at Shri Samarth Vangdevata Mandir, D.S. Joshi Collection, Rajwade Institute, Dhule;  Pathan, Y.M. Dr. (2011) Contribution of Muslim of Muslim Saint Poets to Medieval Marathi Literature, Mumbai, p 47;  Prakashdeep:15, in Manuscript Collection at V.K. Rajwade Samshodhan Mandal, Dhule, Maharashtra.
6. Saiyid Ali Tabataba, Burhan-i-Ma’thir, Tami Press, Delhi, 1936; Sherwani H.K. & P.M. Joshi Edi. (1973) History of Medieval Deccan (1295-1724), Vol. II. Government AP Press, p. 166; ‘The Articulation of Islamic Space in the Medieval Deccan’, Richard M. Eaton, in Meenakshi Khanna (Edi.) (2012) Cultural History of Medieval India, Social Science Press, New Delhi, pp. 127-144; Chandorkar, G.K. Maharashtra Kavya Suchi, Pune, p. 36; Dhera, R.C. Dr., Ekaatmateche Shilpkar (Marathi), Manjul Prakashan, Pune, 1991, pp. 38-45;  Pathan, .Y. M. Dr., opt.cit. pp. 11-52.
7. Priyolkar, A.K. Prof., Musalmananchi Juni Marathi Kavita, Mumbai, 1965, pp. 13-16; Dhere, R.C., Ekaatmateche Shilpkaar, Manul Prakashan, Pune, 1994, pp. 38-45;  Carl W. Ernst, Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History and Politics at a South Asian Sufi Center, 2 ed. New Delhi: OUP, 2004;  Ambarhusaini, Don Adhyay, Edited Text, Maharashtra Samshodhan Patrika Quarterly Journal, Marathi Sahitya Mandal, Dadar, Mumbai, Oct. 1954, pp. 9-15; Husainambari Manuscript, Tanjor Sarswati Mahal Library, 1575, Balaji Bad Collection No. 49, Mss 01, Tamilnadu;  Dhere, Ramchandra Chintaman, Musalman Marathi Santkavi, Pune, 1967, pp. 42-49.
8. Dhere, R.C.(1994) Ekatmateche Shilpkaar, Manjul Prakashan, Pune, pp.51-63.
9. Aawalikar, Pandit, Dr. (1964) June Wangmay: Nawe Samshodhan, Dharwad, Karnataka, p. 260;  Marathi Poem Manuscripts of Aalamkhan at: 1)  Aalamkhan Padsamgrah, Shree Govindraj Baba Maharaj Samshtan, Gulbarga, 2)  Shri Samarth Wangdevata Mandir, Dhule, Maharashtra State,  Ref. Mss. 376, 1152,  3)  Bharat Itihaas Samshodhan Mandal, Pune, Annual Report, Shak 1837, p. 280;  Moholkar, V.S. Editor (1991) Nagesh Darpan, Nagesh Pub. House, Solapur, p. 164.
10. Pathan, U.M., Musalman Santanche Marathi Sahitya, Maharashtra Rajy Sahitya Aani Samskriti Mandal, Mumbai, 2011, p.196.
11. Dhere, R.C., Ekatmateche Shilpkaar, p. 60; Manuscript of Shaikh Sultan, No. 1733, Shree Samarth Vangdevata Mandir, Dhule;  Tulpule, S.G., Maharashtra Sarswat, Vth Edition, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 1963, p. 618.
12. Khanolkar G. D. (1970) Marathi Literature Encyclopeadia, Volume I, Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya Samskriti Mandal, Mumbai, p. 449;  Dhere R.C. (1963) Eknathaachi gUruparmpara, Indrayini Pub., Pune, pp. 5-13;  Bendre, V.S. (1958) Shaikh Muhammad Baba Shrigondekar: Tukaram Maharaj Yanche Saint Sangati, Mumbai, pp. 50-82.
13. Bendre, V.S., Shaikh Muhammad Baba Shrigondekar: Tukaram Maharaj Yandhe Santsangatee, Mumbai, 1958, pp. 56-57;  Khanolkar G.D. Edi., Marathi Vangmay Kosh, Volume I, p.449;  Vidyut Bhagwat, "Hindu-Muslim Dialogue: A Rereading of Sant Eknath and Sant Shaikh Muhammad," in Marga: Ways of Liberation, Empowerment, and Change in Maharashtra, ed. M. Naito, et al., Delhi: Manohar,2008, 88; Hugh van Skyhawk, "The Influence of Sufism on the Sri-Eknathi-Bhagavat," in Devotional Literature in South Asia, Current Research 1985-1988, ed. R. S. McGregor., Cambridge UK: CUP, 1992; Radhey Shyam, The Kingdom of Ahmadnagar, Delhi: Motilal B’dass, 1966;  M. Siraj Anwar, Mughals and the Deccan: Political Relations with Ahmadnagar Kingdom, Delhi, B. R. Publishing Corporation, 2007;  Skyhawk, Hugh van, "The Influence of Sufism on the Sri-Eknathi-Bhagavat." In Devotional Literature in South Asia, Current Research 1985-1988, edited by R. S. McGregor, 67-79. Cambridge, 1992;  Dusan Deak, "Maharashtra Saints and the Sufi Tradition: Eknath, Chand Bodhle and the Datta Sampradaya,", Deccan Studies 3, no. 2 (2005): 27.
14. Bahirat, B.P., ‘Sadhu shaikh Muhammad’, in Mahadwaar, Santancha Maharashtra (Special Volume), No.5, Parandeka Baba Edi., Kolhapur, Shake 1886, pp. 25-27; See, Wagale, S.C. Edi., Yogsangram, Mumbai;  Bendre, V.C. Edi., Yogsangram, Mumbai, 1961; Dhere, R.C., Muslim Marathi Saint Kavi, pp. 84-117; Khanolkar G.D. Edi., Marathi Vangmay Kosh, Volume I, p. 380;  Carl W. Ernst, ‘Admiring the Works of the Ancients: The Ellora Temples as Viewed by Indo-Muslim Authors’, in Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identities in Islamicate South Asia, Edi. By David Gilmantin & Bruce B. Lawrence, University Press of Florida, Florida. p.114;  Bendre, V.S., Shaikh Muhammadbaba Yanche Kavitasamgrah, Mumbai, 1961, p.115.

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