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Vol -  8, Issue- 12 ,         Page(s) : 74 - 81  (2017 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The concept of HRD is evolved in the West in the second half of 20thcentury inIndia;theconceptofHRDwasintroducedforthe firsttimebyLarson&Turboinprivatesector.In1978,theconcept wasadoptedby, BankofBaroda,&in1979,itwasadoptedbySBI. Intheyear1980,UdaiPareek& T.V.Rao,IIM,Ahmedabad,publishedtheirwork“Designing&ManagingHuman Resource System”,andstartedHRDexperimentationinIndia.Thesuccess ofBOB,SBIand L&T,motivated publicand privatesector organizationstoimplementHRDmodelintheirorganizations.An HRD NationalNetworkwasestablishedin1985.Sincethen, Academicians,Consultants,HRD Managers and SeniorLine Managersfromgovernmentinstitutions,publicandprivatesector industrieshavepresentedpaperscoveringempirical,theoreticalandexperiencebasedmaterials.AcademicandBusinesspress alsoresponded favourably totheHRD concept.Itcreatedan awarenessofHRDamongmanagementstudentsandscholars. ThegovernmentofIndiaalsoestablishedanHRDMinistry.

  1. Shaikh T.S. (1978): “Personnel Policies And Administration in Urban Banks”, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Pune. 
  2. Bhatia S. K. (1986): “Training in Public Enterprises: Future Directions”, in: ‘Indian management ’, AIMA New Delhi, February 1986, pp.29 (The author is DyG. M. Personnel & Admin., BHEL).
  3. Kolekar B.D. (1987): “A Study of Human Resource Development in Selected public Sector undertakings in Maharashtra and Goa”, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 
  4. Rao T.V., Verma K.K., Khandelwal A.K. and E. Abraham S.J. (1988): “Alternative Approach and Strategies of Human Resources Development”, Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
  5. Mathur, B.L. (1989): “Human Resource Development Strategic Approaches & Experiences”, Jaipur: Second edition, Arihant Publications. 
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  7. Vishwanathan, B. S.  (1992): “HRD in co-operatives”, the co-operator, Vol .XXX, No. 2, Aug. 1992, pp.41-42. 
  8. Singh, I. P. (1994): “The Need for a focus on HRD for workers”, Editor I. P. Singh, Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.) 
  9. Dikshit U. K. (1995): “Human Development for Managing Global Transition To 21st Century”, in: ‘Monthly Commentary on Indian Economic Conditions’, 21st Century”, in: Monthly Commentary on Indian Economic Conditions’, (January1995), Publication of the Indian Institute of Public Opinion, p.19. 
  10. Pareek Udai (1997): “Training Instruments for Human Resource Development”, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. 
  11. More B.D. (1997): “A study of Human Resource development vis-à-vis the changing Scenario with Special Reference to Police Department in Maharashtra”, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 
  12. Alphonsa V. K. (2000): “HRD climate in a private hospital in Hyderabad An empirical study” IJTD Vol. XXX (4) Oct .Dec 2000, page No.50 to 67. 
  13. Chavare D. T. (2001): “A Study of Human Resource Development in Vocational Education Institutions in Western Maharashtra,” Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 
  14. Rao T.V. and Rao Raju (2002): “HRD in Asia – Trends & Challenges” A study of Leadership Roles, styles, Delegation and Qualities of Indian CEO Sin ‘HRD in Asia–Trends and Challenges’. Editors: Udai Pareek, Ahmad M. Osman–Gani, S. Ramnarayan & T.V. Rao Oxford & IBH publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. (2002). 
  15. Bhide P.V. and Sayeed O.B. (2002): “HRD in Asia–Trends and Challenges” (2002), published by Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Editors: Udai Pareek, Ahmad M. Osman–Gani. And O. B. Sayeed (pp.685 to 692) 
  16. R. Rani Geetha Priyadarshini & R. Venkatapathy (2003-04): “Impact of HRD on organizational effectiveness in the Banking Industry” Prajnan, Vol. XXXII, No.2, 2003-04 pp.135-147 
  17. Sadri Jayashri (2006): “HRD in the Era of LPG”, Personnel Today, Oct Dec.2006. 
  18. Purang Pooja (2008): “Dimensions of HRD Climate Enhancing Organizational Commitment In Indian Organizations”, IJIR Vol43, No.4, April 2008. 
  19. Bais Santosh Singh & Agadi, Dr .Ramesh, B. (2008): “HRD in Indian Dairy Industry”, Indian Co-operative Review, April 2008, pp-281-293. 
  20. Sundararajam S. (2009): “Emerging Trends of HRD Practices in Cooperative Sector –Perspective Approach”, Tamilnadu Journal of cooperation, April 2009, pp.13-18. 
  21. Khan M. (2011): “Integrated concept of human resource development (Proposing new model for HRD)”, Far East Journal of Psychology and Business Vol .5 No.3 December 2011, pp.85-96.
  22. Ramzan s. (2013): “A Critical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development Technique in the Non-Government Organisations”, Published by European Journal of Business and Innovation Research UK, European Journal of Business and Innovation Research Vol .1, No.2, 29-43, June 2013. 
  23. Mufeed S. A., Hamdani A. (2015): “HRD Mechanisms in Health Care Sector in J&K: A Comparative Study”, European Journal of Business and ManagementISSN2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 22222839(Online) Vol. 7, No. 4, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2017.02.001 Get rights and content

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