Vol - 8, Issue- 12 ,
Page(s) : 74 - 81
(2017 )
The concept of HRD is evolved in the West in the second half of 20thcentury inIndia;theconceptofHRDwasintroducedforthe firsttimebyLarson&Turboinprivatesector.In1978,theconcept wasadoptedby, BankofBaroda,&in1979,itwasadoptedbySBI. Intheyear1980,UdaiPareek& T.V.Rao,IIM,Ahmedabad,publishedtheirwork“Designing&ManagingHuman Resource System”,andstartedHRDexperimentationinIndia.Thesuccess ofBOB,SBIand L&T,motivated publicand privatesector organizationstoimplementHRDmodelintheirorganizations.An HRD NationalNetworkwasestablishedin1985.Sincethen, Academicians,Consultants,HRD Managers and SeniorLine Managersfromgovernmentinstitutions,publicandprivatesector industrieshavepresentedpaperscoveringempirical,theoreticalandexperiencebasedmaterials.AcademicandBusinesspress alsoresponded favourably totheHRD concept.Itcreatedan awarenessofHRDamongmanagementstudentsandscholars. ThegovernmentofIndiaalsoestablishedanHRDMinistry.
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