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Vol -  9, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 29 - 40  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In the modern times E-commerce is giving a tough competition to the traditional trade and business. Due to the advancement of technology the world has became a global village. E-commerce has reached most of the consumers in the urban sector but the challenge lies in front of the companies so that it reaches the rural sector also. The rural population of India has to go at distant places or nearby cities to purchase luxury products. Here E-commerce can come to their help by widening its area of operations. A profound understanding of people, their behavior and their community is critical within the digital marketplace. If you can’t connect to your customers’ wants and needs, you’re going nowhere fast – and so is your investment. That’s why every great piece of digital starts with a deep understanding of who you’re trying to reach.

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