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    1 Author(s):  DR. NEETU

Vol -  9, Issue- 10 ,         Page(s) : 86 - 90  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The strengthening and independence of ladies and the enhancement of their political, social, monetary and wellbeing status is an exceedingly essential end in itself. Moreover, it is fundamental for the accomplishment of maintainable advancement. The full cooperation and organization of the two ladies and men is required in beneficial and conceptive life, including shared duties regarding the consideration and sustaining of youngsters and upkeep of the family. In all parts of the world, ladies are confronting dangers to their lives, wellbeing and prosperity because of being overburdened with work and of their absence of intensity and impact. In many districts of the world, ladies get less formal training than men, and in the meantime, ladies' own insight, capacities and ways of dealing with stress regularly go unrecognized.

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