Vol - 9, Issue- 1 ,
Page(s) : 126 - 136
(2018 )
DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH
In an era of Globalization and liberalization, the advertising industry has seen a growth across the world. With the growing market there are lots of competitors who are making up in this industry and thus leading to competition in market. Celebrity Endorsements have been highly used in Indian context and has become a worldwide phenomenon in the field of advertising. Bubbling out amazing results in brand building and brand loyalty, celebrity endorsements in some cases have been seen influencing the decision making process of consumers. Celebrity endorsement is very popular and widely used in advertising. From magazines to TV advertisements, from toothpaste to luxury goods, celebrity-endorsed products have penetrated almost every aspect of our lives. This research paper provides an insight into the concept of celebrity Endorsement along with the returns and risks that are associated with it.
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