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    1 Author(s):  DR. SWAROOPRANI

Vol -  10, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 15 - 20  (2019 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Any Government stated the future well organism of the nation depends on how its children grow and enlarge the children are the future outstations and torch bears of the society. They are messengers of our information, cultural heritage, idiocies and philosophies. Socio-Economic prevailing in the society is strongly dependability for the abuse. The children are really potential components in the form of great teachers, scientists, judges, rulers’ doctors, planners, engineers, malicious on whom the entire civilization founded so, all the act and rules are more focus should be given to treatment rather than regulation.

1. ILO (undated) what is child labour.
2. Stop child labour (2012) out of work into school.
3. Stop child labour (2015) stepping for crating child labour free zones.
4. Child line India (2014) child labour in India.
5. Indian Express (2014) 5 years on, right to education is still for cry in AP.
6. IOE international Organization of Employers and International Labour Organization (2015).
7. Stop child labour (2016) stop child labour engaging with companies and C&R indicatives.
8. Socio (2014) fact sheet child labour in the textile and garment induction publication 4058.
9. Lawyer collective (2006) the validity of reservations and declaration to CEDDW the Indian experience IWRA Asia specific.

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