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    1 Author(s):  PROF (DR) VEENUS JAIN

Vol -  6, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 540 - 558  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Das Lakshan Parva alias Paryushan is a ten day long festival celebrated annually by the Digamber Jains for self purification and uplift. Das Lakshan means ten virtues which are the bed – rock of Jain ethics. The festival is marked by a cheerful observance of Uttama Kshama(Supreme Forgiveness),Uttama Aarjava(Supreme Honesty or Straight - forwardness), Uttama Mardava(Supreme Humility or Tenderness),Uttama Satya(Supreme Truthfulness),Uttama Shaucha(Supreme Purity),Uttama Sanyam(Supreme Self-restraint),Uttama Tapa(Supreme Penance or Austerity),Uttama Tyaga(Supreme Renunciation),Uttama Akinchanya(Supreme Non – attachment) and Uttama Brahmacharya(Supreme Chastity or Celibacy). It is believed that the strict adherence to these virtues puts us on the road to our ultimate destination i.e. salvation. The unique feature of Jainism i.e. celebration of virtues and forgiveness and its impact on society and globe will be highlighted in this paper.

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  नरस्याभरणं रूपं रूपस्याभरणं गुणाः
गुणस्याभरणम् ज्ञानं ज्ञानस्याभरणम् क्षमा- सुभाषितरत्नसम्मुच्चय
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   बड़े बड़ाई न करैं ,बड़ो न बोलेन बोल।
रहिमन हेरा कब कहै,लाख टका  मम मोल
  दबी डूबी ना रहे रूई लपेटी आग
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  मक्खी बैठी शहद पर,'पंख' लिये लिपटाय
हाथ मले और सिर धुने,लालच बुरी बलाए

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