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    1 Author(s):  DR. DIPESH D. UIKE

Vol -  10, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 61 - 73  (2019 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Entrepreneurship involves the creation of ventures with the development of creative ideas. Once ventures are established, it helps the country to grow nationally and internationally. It generates wealth for the society and nation. Any nation cannot simply depends on few entrepreneurs. For growing economy and making nation more prosperous government should successfully conduct Entrepreneurship Education Programmes (EEP). EEP helps the people to grow in the field of entrepreneurship. If a proper education of entrepreneurship is given to the people than definitely they are going to be the good and successful entrepreneurs in near future. Good entrepreneurship education depends upon a perfect selection of teaching method that will be used. For an individual to become a successful entrepreneur, different teaching methods are adopted by the trainers to generate an entrepreneurial intention. The more the entrepreneurial intentions more will be the chances of becoming a successful entrepreneur in future. So the selection of good teaching method becomes necessary. The main focus of this research is to find out whether teaching methods affect the entrepreneurial intention of the students or not? Do all teaching methods are same or these methods differ in terms of generating an entrepreneurial intentions among students? The statements are verified using questionnaire based on the sample size of 204 students. The results show that out of twelve teaching methods half of the teaching methods are affecting entrepreneurial intention of the students. Selecting good teaching methods affect the entrepreneurial intentions of the students.

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