( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  DR. HAMEED BASHA.B

Vol -  10, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 193 - 197  (2019 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Last few decades, Indian tourism industry attained the incredible position both Global and domestic level. For the main cause, the Government of India and Ministry of tourism had been implemented innovative schemes to promote tourism and attract the tourists. Under this plan, ministry of tourism executed several schemes such as incredible India 2.0, UDAN 3.0, HRIDAY, PRSAD and Swedesh Darshan. More over, certain schemes initiated the digital format mamely e-Visa, incredible India mobile application and incredible India website. Bases on this schemes, tourism sites occurred three types of facilities like basic facilities, infrastructure facilities and travel facilities. On the consequence , foreign tourist arrivals accelerated gradually and improve the foreign exchange to lead the economic growth of India. So the world travel and tourism council (WTTC) has calculated that India will reach the third largest travel and tourism economy by 2028. In this study to find out how the innovative schemes is helpful to the development of tourism in India.

  •  The TRAVEL & Tourism Competitiveness Report, 2017. P.33
  •  Final Report, Ministry of Tourism, 2017, p.24.
  •  Times of India, Dated March 23,2018
  •   Press information Bureau, Governmetn of tourism, 14-06-2018
  •   Tourism.gov.in>incredible-india-android
  •  UDAN 3 Results Report, Ministry of Civil Aviation Government of India,25th January 2019
  •  Times of India, Dated  Jan 26,2019
  •   hindustan times, dated jan 08,2019.
  •  Heritage City Development and  Augmentation Yojana Guidelines, Ministry if Urban Development , Government of Indiap.7
  •   ibid
  •   Swedesh Darshan, Sheme Guidelines, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, 2016
  •   http;//www.ivisa.com

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