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Vol -  10, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 198 - 205  (2019 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Creativity in both tangible and intangible forms arouses our curiosity and excitement in all spheres of our existence – the arts, social sciences, education, markets and even day-to-day life. A definition of creativity and its outcomes are often interpreted in relation to a particular field of application within a particular domain, and hence often without clear delineation in general terms. If one were to restrict the interpretations of creativity within the realm of education, the outcomes can still be quite comprehensive and diverse across branches of education ranging from the social sciences to architecture, engineering and applied sciences, management, medicine, fine arts, design, fashion, etc. Design education, with its concentration on creative derivatives, nurtures and fosters creativity as a process where students are encouraged to convert abstract ideas into concrete conclusions. In doing so, the student moves along a pathway that begins with ideation, and carries forward with exploration, iteration, analysis, and problem-solving. This is largely applicable to fashion education also. A jury is one of the prominent assessment tools used in most design courses, including fashion design. This paper makes a comparative study between jury marks scored as per the established format of a leading fashion institute and the jury marks awarded as per parameters drawn from two known models of assessment of creativity.

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