1. Raymond Williams, Drama From Ibsen to Bretch (London: Chatta and Windows, 1968)268.
2. Arthur Miller, Collected plays (Bombay : Allied publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1967) 19.
3. Ibid.
4. C.W.E. Christopher Bigsby ed., Arthur Miller’s All My Sons : A Drama in three Acts (NY : Penguin Classics 1971) 9.
5. Jean Gould, Modern American Playwrights: Ch. XII Arthur Miller, (Bombay : Popular Prakashan, 1996)252
6. C.W.E. Christopher Bigsby , Arthur Miller’s All My Sons : A Drama in three Acts (NY : Penguin Classics 1971) 8.
7. Arthur Miller, Collected plays (Bombay : Allied Publishers PVt Ltd. 1967)19-20.
8. Robert A. Martin, ed., “Introduction” Arthur Miller: New Perspectives. (Prentice Hall Inc., 1982)34.
9. Samuel York’s. Modern Critical Interpretations. : Arthur Miller’s All My Sons ed., Harold Bloom. (New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 1988)21.
10. Harold Clurman, “Thesis and Drama” Modern Critical Interpretations. : Arthur Miller’s All My Sons ed., Harold Bloom. (New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 1988)21.