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Vol -  10, Issue- 7 ,         Page(s) : 217 - 226  (2019 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides improved opportunities to use data and information both to recognize customers and execute relationship marketing strategies better. This involves a cross-functional integration of people, operations, processes and marketing capabilities that is facilitated through information technology and applications. In the aspect of information technologies CRM is understood as the complex of software and technologies automating and performing business processes in the following areas: sales, marketing, service and customer support. The main objective of this present study is to determine the influence of demographic variables on the perception of services provided in Automobile Industries with respect to Customer Relationship Management. The Researcher compared the satisfaction level with their perceptions towards the services offered of selected respondents in the Automobile Industries in Chennai City of Tamil Nadu. 632 sample respondents having access with the Automobile Industries in Chennai City is chosen for this study to study the relationship between services offered and Customer Relationship Management aspects as ascertained using multiple regression analysis and one-way Analysis of Variance. A model was developed to ensure the Customer Relationship Management in Automobile Industries in Chennai City of Tamil Nadu by using analysis of moment structure. Results of this present study show that that the respondents are satisfied towards the Customer relationship management in Automobile Industries. The sample respondents are much more satisfied with the way that the Automobile Industries gives priority to their preferences and suggestions.

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