( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  SUNANDA NANDA BERA

Vol -  9, Issue- 7 ,         Page(s) : 207 - 215  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Construction means to prepare the inventory statements. All the items to be used in the process of standardizing must be constructed. It naturally leads one to take items through the process of pilot administration and analysis. In the present study, the term construction indicates especially the construction of a Frustration Inventory. Frustration is a situation of obstacles or hindrance in required satisfaction or goal-oriented behavior. Sometimes a tense mental condition or habitual behavior originated due to obstacle or hindrance is also called Frustration. For this study, it means the Frustration obtained on the basis of scores on inventory constructed to study through various factors. For the present research, an inventory has been constructed by constructing and properly arranging items keeping in mind various factors to find out frustration among the school students. Mainly there are two hindrances found behind the origin of frustration. They are external or environmental hindrances and internal or individual operant. The external hindrances include physical, economic and cultural hindrances whereas the internal hindrances include body limitations, mental limitations, and mental struggles. The main objectives of the study are to measure the level of the Frustration of Secondary Schools students. This paper tries to investigate on Construction and Standardization of Frustration Inventory for the Secondary School students from different schools of West Bengal. Here, the researcher had decided to construct and standardize the frustration inventory for the secondary school students of West Bengal State. Therefore, students of standard-9th and standard-10th of secondary schools of West Bengal State (Bengali Medium) became the population of the present study. The total sample comprises of 400 students were randomly selected from different Bengali medium schools and equally distributed among boys and girls students. The following tools were used to for the collecting the data of the present study i.e., Frustration Inventory prepared by Dr. Pallaviben Patel & Verbal and Non-Verbal Intelligence Test prepared by Dr. K.G. Desai and published by Institute of Psychological and Educational Research and Guidance. The obtained data were analyzed with the help of Mean Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, ‘t’-test and coefficient of correlation. The finding of the present study shows that the proportion of frustration in boys and girls was found to be equal. The study also indicates that area creates an effect on frustration. The proportion of frustration was found to be equal among the students of Standard-9 and Standard-10. The proportion of frustration in rural girls was found to be higher than that of the boys. The proportion of frustration of boys and girls of the urban area was found to be equal. The proportion of frustration in rural boys was found to be higher than that of the urban boys. Whereas the researcher also found that the proportion of frustration in urban girls was higher than that of the rural girls.

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