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    1 Author(s):  KUMAR ANANT

Vol -  10, Issue- 5 ,         Page(s) : 421 - 427  (2019 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The illegal migration from Bangladesh to India started as the late 19th century British India and subsequently continued upon the portions of India, and even after the creation of East-Pakistan in 1947 and now Bangladesh in 1971. The endless flow of migrants creates a critical situation and security threats in India. The problem creates an issue in socio-Political, economic, and environmental and promotes and support insurgency groups in the North-east region of Indian and generates ethnic conflicts in the region. Illegal migrants link with the Islamic Fundamentalist and terrorist groups of Bangladesh. The militants' groups and terrorist organization operate training camps in the border region and their activities create a threat to India's national security. The present paper is an attempt to understand the illegal migration causes, its impacts on India's national security. Discuss Indian government strategy to deal with the issue and provides remedial suggestion to solve the illegal migration problem.

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