( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  DR. DEEPTI GUPTA

Vol -  11, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 297 - 305  (2020 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The natural environment contains all living & non-living things that occur naturally on the earth. The study of the interaction between human behaviour and our physical surroundings is called Environmental Psychology. Environmental behaviour refers to all the action of human that are significantly related to the natural environment such as the consumption of environmental resources and space, the pollution of water, soil and air, the production of noise and waste and manmade changes of landscapes etc. Due to recent developments & activities in the field of socio- economic and technological front rapid environmental degradation has occurred. Environmental changes are dependent on many factors including economic & poverty. Illiteracy & ignorance are major issues at the root of several environmental problems. There is an urgent requirement in creating awareness among the people about the ill effects of environmental pollution.

1. Pollution - Definition from the messiam- Webster online dictionary.
2. L. Gari (2002), "Arabic Treatiser on Environmental pollution up to the end e.g. by the Thirteenth Century" Environment's History PP. 475-488.
3. Deadly smog. PBS. URL accessed on 2006-08-02.
4. Jamen R, Fleming, Bethany R, Knorr of cal by college. History of the clean Air Act. American Meteorological society. URL accessed on 2006-02-14.
5. "Pollution", Microsoft Enactor online Energy Lopodion 2009.
6. Beychook, Milton R (January 1987). A data base for dioxin furan emissions from refuse incinerator. Atmospheric Environment 2(1): 29-36
7. World Resources institute: August 2008 monthly update: Air Pollution's cause, consequence and solution submitted by matt kallman on wed. 2008-08-20.
8. Gershon cohen Ph.D. The solution to Pollution is still 'Dilution'. Earth Island Institute. URL accessed on 2002-02-14   

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