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Vol -  11, Issue- 8 ,         Page(s) : 16 - 28  (2020 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Academic stress is a mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration associated with academic failure or even awareness of the possibility of such failure. The research study was undertaken to study the Academic stress of B.Ed. teacher trainees. The descriptive survey method was adopted for the study. The B. Ed Teacher Trainees Academic Stress was assessed with the help of Academic Stress scale developed by the investigators. The investigator has collected the data from 690 student teachers by stratified random sampling method. The data obtained from the survey was analysed by using mean, SD, mean ± 1 SD, percentage analysis and t-test. The study revealed that out of 690 B.Ed. teacher trainees, 65.36% have underwent moderate level and 15.51% are with high level of academic stress. The dimension wise academic stress of B.Ed. teacher trainees reveals that around 15 to 19 per cent of B.Ed. teacher trainee’s academic stress is at low level. The variable ‘gender’ has significantly influenced the academic stress dimensions – teacher related issues and intra & interpersonal factors; and not significantly influenced the academic stress dimensions - academic related issues, personal factors, practice teaching related issues, environmental factors and academic stress as a whole. The educational implications are given based on the findings of the study.

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