( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    2 Author(s):  M.M.ROY,MEENA SEHRAWAT

Vol -  11, Issue- 8 ,         Page(s) : 73 - 79  (2020 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


A person who has anxiety may not be able to devote his full energy- in the performance of a task. It is, therefore, considered by many that anxiety interferes with the activity and so learning is impended. . It is, therefore, considered by many that anxiety interferes with the activity and so learning is impended. A research study was under taken to study the impact of anxiety on academic achievement of D.El.Ed trainees of DIET Ghumenhera. Descriptive survey method was used to conduct the research involving the purposively selected sample of 134 second year trainees. The standardized tool of Sinha & Sinha on anxiety scale was used. Academic achievement scores were collected from the annual exam record. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed by using mean, SD, Pearson product moment correlation and t-test. The study revealed that trainees with 10th percentile to 60th percentile (scores 20 to 29.0) were classified as normal anxiety level. Scores above 75th percentile and below 25th percentile level were classified as extremely high and low anxiety level individual respectively.Results further also indicated that there was no significant difference in anxiety level of male and female trainees. There was a negative and non-significant relationship between anxiety scores and academic achievement scores of D.El.Ed trainees and male and female trainees differed significantly on academic achievement scores. The educational implications have been given based on the findings of the study.

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