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Vol -  9, Issue- 8 ,         Page(s) : 182 - 189  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The city of Jaipur has a glorious history of its own, probably the first planned city of modern India. Jaipur city’s architecture, planned growth and cosmopolitan character have endowed it with uniqueness in India’s urban setting. In order to meet the requirement of housing, water, electricity, roads, transportation, education, health, recreation and other community services for rapidly growing population must develop in well planned manner. A master plan of a city is a blue print for rational growth and it provides guidelines to the state and city authorities for planned urbanization by controlling the environmental variables and redesigning its infrastructure. Municipal area of the city has been divided in the different census periods viz. 50 wards in 1991, 77 wards in 2011 and presently there are 91 wards. The total population in Jaipur city in year 1991 was 1518743 dispersed in 77 wards. In 2011 population was increased to 3046163. Population of Jaipur city in the last 2 decades has increased 100%.Total land use in 1991 was 25270 acres and it was 76150 acres in 2011, it increased about 199.69% from 1991 to 2011. In the consequence, sex ratio is increased from 877 to 900 (1991 to 2011). Hence immigrants increased abruptly which creates a number of slum areas and simultaneously newly generated urban problems like scarcity of residential houses, transportation, hospital centers, schools and colleges, environmental issues.

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