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Vol -  5, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 129 - 187  (2014 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Entrepreneurship is one of the most important areas for study in the discipline of Economics, Commerce Management etc. Due to large scale of the literature related to the entrepreneurship & its’ various dimensions scholars, academicians, researchers and readers find difficulty in determining quality literaturerelated to the entrepreneurship & its’ various dimensions. Considering this problem the attempt in this paper has been made to brief up the review of quality literature related to the entrepreneurship & its’ various dimensions. By going through this paper readers will have fair idea about the main focus of the quality literature related to the entrepreneurship & its’ various dimensions which is covered in this paperThe paper also aimed at giving a bibliography of quality literaturerelated to the entrepreneurship & its’ various dimensionswhich has been given in the bibliography section of the paper. Hopefully scholars, academicians, researchers and readers will be benefitted with this paper.

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31. Bruton, Garry D.; Vance H. Fried; and Robert D. Hisrich. (Summer 2000). CEO Dismissal in Venture Capital Backed Firms: Further Evidence from an Agency Perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, pp. 69-77.
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