1. Bucher, Charls A., foundation of physical Education 3rd ed. (St. Louis: The C.V.Mosby Company, 1960)
2. Central Board of Secondary Education, Syllabi and Courses for Delhi secondary Schools Examination, 1977.
3. Munn, Normal L: Fernald L. Dodge, Jr, and Peter, S. fernald, Introduction to Psychology (New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.1976).
4. Crow Lester D. and Crow Alice, Educational Psychology Revised ed.(New Delhi: Eurasia publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1969)
5. Pape Laurence A. and Louis F. A Professional career in Physical Education (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice hall Inc., 1962)
6. Blank, L.B. “Critical Incidents in the Behavior of Secondary School Physical Education Instructors” Research Quarterly 29 (March 1958)
7. Coralie Phillips. “A Survey of Physical activity Background and Present Participation in and attitudes Towards Sports and recreational Activities of Residents graduate Women Students at Michigan University” Completed Research in Health Physical Education and Recreation (1967).
8. Ferris Aubrey C., “The attitude of Manitoba High School Principals towards Physical Education”, Completed Research in Health Physical Education and Recreation (1968).
9. Mayers Barbara A. “A Study of Parental Attitude towards the Values of Physical Education in the Total Educational Development of the Daughter” Completed Research in Health Physical Education and Recreation 6 (1964)
10. Ried Hayward V. “An Evaluation of the Attitudes Towards Physical Education and an Appraisal of the Personnel Facilities and Programme in Selected Junior High Schools in South California” Completed Research in Health Physical Education and Recreation (1963).
11. Report of the Radhakrishan Commission, Ministry of Education govt. of India (New Delhi: Govt. of India Press, 1959)
12. Report of Kothari Commission, Ministry of Education govt. of India (New Delhi: Govt. of India Press, 1966)