Vol - 5, Issue- 4 ,
Page(s) : 146 - 155
(2014 )
The expression “Human Rights” exemplifies that those rights without which we cannot live as human beings. We inherent those rights from our nature means nature has adorned us with those rights. Human rights are essential for development of individuals’ personality, human virtues, intelligence, talent and conscience that give a sense of satisfaction for their spiritual and other higher needs. Human rights are equally given to all members of the human family. They should be protected in case if a man fails to comply. The main focus of the present article is to know human rights situation in African continent.
- Janusz Symonides , eds. Human Rights : Concept and Standards, UNESCO and Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2002, pp.32-33.
- Ibid., p.34.
- Egon Schweb, Human Rights in International Community, The roots and Growth of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948-1963, Chicago, Quardangle Books. 1964, p. 51.
- 4 Dinesh Shelton, Regional Protection of Human Rights, OUP, New York, 2008, pp. 106- 107.
- Janusz Symonides, Human Rights : International Protection, Monitoring, Enforcement, Ashgate and UNESCO Publishing, England and New York, 2003, pp.216-217.
- Ibid., pp.230-231.
- K. Mathews, “Politics of Human Rights in Africa”, Africa journal of African Society of India, Delhi, Vol.4 no. 1, Jan-June 1992, p. 60.
- Abdullahi ahmed An-Na ‘Im. eds, 2003, Human Rights under African Constitutions : Realizing the Promise for Ourselves, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2003, pp.11-13.