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    1 Author(s):  PRAMOD KUMAR

Vol -  5, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 358 - 372  (2014 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


How a cultural identity is communicated in a given territorial space raises a central issue of the linkages between the bases of that identity and its concrete manifestation? Nation state with long histories of political independence are characteristically self assured and matter of fact that about how they communicate their national identity. Exploring the wider dimension of identity in a culturally heterogeneous society like Canada could provide us important insights and ideas regarding distinctive identity of certain immigrant communities in Quebec. Through the paper one can have enriched understanding of the way multicultural society could accommodate certain minority communities and their distinctive cultural practices without endangering the larger Canadian identity. Through my paper I will look into that why a certain point of time Quebec wanted to secede from Canada?] How a cultural identity is communicated in a given territorial space raises a central issue of the linkages between the bases of that identity and its concrete manifestation? Nation state with long histories of political independence are characteristically self assured and matter of fact that about how they communicate their national identity. Exploring the wider dimension of identity in a culturally heterogeneous society like Canada could provide us important insights and ideas regarding distinctive identity of certain immigrant communities in Quebec. Through the paper one can have enriched understanding of the way multicultural society could accommodate certain minority communities and their distinctive cultural practices without endangering the larger Canadian identity. Through my paper I will look into that why a certain point of time Quebec wanted to secede from Canada?]

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