1. Stefan Berger, Heiko Feldner and Kevin Passmore, (ed.), Writing Theory and Practice, Bloomsbury Academy, New York, 2010.
2. Adam Budd (ed.), The Modern Historiography Reader, Routledge, London, 2009.
3. Craig Calhoun, Nationalism, University of Minnesotta Press, Minnepolis, 1997.
4. द्वारकादास शास्त्राी, संपा. ध्म्मपद, बौ(भारती, वाराणसी, 2009.
5. Albert Einstein, Why Socialism, E. Francis Library, 2002.
6. Andrew Bernsterin, Objectivism in one lesson, Hamilton Books, New York, 2008.
7. David Gordon White, The Alchemical Body, Siddha Traditions in Medieval India, Chicago Press, London, 1996.