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    1 Author(s):  D.SENDHILKUMAR

Vol -  5, Issue- 11 ,         Page(s) : 300 - 306  (2014 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Abstract Since emergence of this universe with lot of colors ,match and mismatch ,the humanity were bound with the identity of two one is male and female between this two how did god create the transgender community with eternal caricature life and sympathy in this society is a miracle of the biological philosophy. This community people considered as an isolated from the social architecture not able to possess those rights which are possessed by others in the society. Their neutral born, unstructured sex relations and distinguishing mannerism may be a causes of almighty or sense changes or innate desire but based on this ground the society should not isolate them from the social platform rather than including them understanding about their inalienable natural made problems with hospitality and warm approach. Their problems are posing continuous challenges to judiciary ,parliament and police department as to enact law and give protections in public places but which seems very often as an impossiblemeasure because they are victim of their sexual relation with opposite sex person which makes ridicule and fun .

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