1. Ghosh, Jayati. “Gender and Macroeconomics.” Paper Presented at the UN Committee on Status of Women. New York, 10 March 2005 http://www.all4all.org/media/2005/09/2051.pdf (accessed on 28.5. 2009).
2. Hensman, Rohini. “Globalisation, Women and Work --What Are We Talking About?” Economic and Political Weekly, March 6, (2004): 1030-1034.
3. Infochange: “Women take over Kalinga Nagar agitation”, http://infochangeindia.org/200606054966/Human- Rights/News/Women-take-over-Kalinga-Nagar-agitation.html (accessed 19.07.2009)
4. It’s a Free World: 8 January 2008, http://itsafreeworld.wordpress.com/2008/01/31/gender-bias-in-wages-in-india/ (accessed on 19.07.2009)
5. Maitree leaflet, ‘Unnayaner Name Uchchhed Bandho Hok’, 24.11.1997.
6. Menon, Meena, (2007) ‘Mumbai airport's modernisation plan faces a hitch’, The Hindu, 10 June. http://www.hindu.com/2007/06/10/stories/2007061001401000.htm (accessed on 20.07.2009)
7. Narayanan Sudha, (2008), ‘Women’s Work and Children’ Economic and Political Weekly, March 1,2008.
8. Nari Nirjatan Pratirodh Mancha, 2002, Uchchhed: Narir Bishesh Samasya, Calcutta. (Contributors included Maitreyee Chatterjee, Krishna Roy, Soma Marik, Saswati Ghosh and Suchetana Gosh, whose essays have been consulted in preparing this talk).
9. Nari Nirjatan Pratirodh Mancha, 2007. Singur – Meyeder Bhasya: Jami Adhigrahaner Aage O Pore. (Singur- Women’s Voices: Before and After Land take-over). Kolkata.
10. NAWO, 2006, INDIA --SECOND NGO SHADOW REPORT ON CEDAW. http://www.iwraw-ap.org/resources/pdf/India%20Shadow%20report.pdf (accessed on 19.07.2009)