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    1 Author(s):  CHARU SETHI

Vol -  6, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 350 - 354  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Education as a process is as old as the progression of human race. Knowledge and skills related to processes of fulfilling basic human needs were passed on from one generation to another. Thereafter with the growth of civilization the need of formal education for the development of the individual as well as the society was realized and gradually education was institutionalized. Education has not remained stagnant, but with the passing of time, it has undergone great changes. The growth of education shall be studied through its different periods, namely Vedic period, Buddhist period and medieval period.

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3. Aggarwal. J.C, Landmarks in history of modern India (2005); Shipra Publications, new Delhi
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5. Chauhan. CPS, Modern Indian education: Policies, Programmes and Problems (2005); Kanishka Publications, New Delhi
6. Dayal. B, Development of education system in India (2005); Dominant Publishing, New Delhi
7. Mohanty. J, Modern trends in India (2005); Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi
8. Nirula and Naik. History of Education in India. New Delhi
9. Pathak. C, Understanding basic education; Rajat Publications, New Delhi
10. Rao. B, Educational policies and programmes; APH Publications, New Delhi
11. Rao. R.K, Education in India; Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi
12. Rao, V.K, History of education; APH Publications, New Delhi
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15. Singh. Y.K, History of Indian education (2005) ;Chama and enterprises,New Delhi
16. Shrivastava. D.S, Elementary Education(2005); Isha Book, New Delhi
17. Srivastava, R.C. Teacher Education in India, Issues andPerspectives, New Delhi.

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