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    1 Author(s):  RENU SAIN

Vol -  6, Issue- 10 ,         Page(s) : 48 - 56  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In the last few decades human security has evolved as an international issue, affecting all the countries worldwide. All the nations, organizations, regional as well as internationals have taken strong measures in order to cater the issue of human security. One of the measures taken being establishment of regional and sub-regional organizations, by the Central Asian countries. But the regional cooperation is working on a very slow place, leading to the conclusion that there are many conflicting interests and disagreements, which exist between the Central Asian neighboring countries. Robert Keohane has very aptly pointed out that cooperation between neighboring nations cannot be defined in terms of absence of any conflict between them, but as a process which uses this conflict to initiate mutual adjustment. Since 2001, from the time of removal from power of the Taliban, theatrically many multilateral efforts have been made but hardly anything is done in practice. On the other hand, bilateral relations have developed and worked effectively among other Central Asian neighbours and have provided with considerable number of examples of partnership and solidarity in promoting human security across the entire Central Asia(Keohane 2005) .

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