1. Gus Martin of Terrorism : Conceps and Controversies California: Sage Publications,2008, p 2
2. Karin Santoro et., “Italian Attitudues and Responses to Terrorism”,
3. Terrorism(An International Journal), Vol. 10 No.4 New York: Crane, Russak & Company, p 290
4. Zubir Iqubal,”The Media & Terrorism and Responses”, Regional Studies, Quarterly Journal of the Institutew of Regional Studies, Islamabad, Vol.24, No. 1 Winter 2008-09, p. 83.
5. Larid Wilcox, “ What is Extremism? Style and Matter More Than Goals,” in John Geeus, George & Larid Wilox (eds) American Expermists:Militias, Supremacists, Klansmen and Communiists, New York: Prometh 1996, p. 54.
6. Y. Alexander & S.M. Finger, Terrorism: Inteerdisciplinary Perpectives, NewYork:John Jay Press, 1977,p.7
7. N.S.Sexsena, Terrorism:History and Facts in the World and in India, New Delhi: Abhinav Publications, 1985, pp 14-35.
8. Fredrick J. Hacker, Crusaders,Criminals,Craziers: Terror & Terrorism in Our Time, New York: W.W.Norton,1976,p. xi.
9. Sun Wu was the first and most prominted among the ancient Chinese strategists of Warring ststes period (482-221 BC). His book, The Art of War, is considerd a classic on the subject.
10. Jerrold Post, “ Collective Identity: Hatred Bred in the Bone”, e-journal USA,Forgine Policy Agenda,Washington DC, Vol.12,No.5, May 2007, p 13.
11. See for example M.Jurgensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God: The Globle Rise of Religious Violence, Berkekey, CA:University of California Press, 2003; J.Stern, Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill,NewYork:Random House, 2004; and J.Esposito, Unholy War:Terror in the name of Islam,London: Oxford University Press,2002.
12. KarenArmstrong,Islam:A Short Story,New York:Mpodren Library,2000,p.21.
13. Marc Sageman, “Common Myths About al-Qaida Terrorism”, e-journal USA, Vol.II No.2, August 2006,p.32.