1. Books:-
2. Datt Ruddar & Sundaram, K.P.M. : “Indian Economy”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
3. Gupta, K. Shashi and Joshi Rosy : “Human Resource Management”.
4. Subrammanium, K.N. (1979) : “Wages in India”, New Delhi, Tata McGrew.
5. Singh, Monjit (1990) : The Political Economy of Unorganised Industry : A Study of the Labour Process (New Delhi).
6. Vaid, K.N. (1970) : “Labour Welfare in India”.
7. Venkat Ratan, C.S. : “Unusual Collective Agreements”, New Delhi; Global Business Press (1990).
8. Reports :
1. “Report of the National Commission on Labour” time to time.
2. Govt. of India (time to time) : Reports on conditions of work and promotion of livelihoods in the unorganized sector (New Delhi : National Commission for Enterprises in the unorganized Sector.
9. Journals :
1. The Indian Journal of Commerce.
2. National Wage Board’s Journal.
10. Website :
1. www.labour.nic.in/ss/ssd.