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    1 Author(s):  ABNAVE VIKAS B

Vol -  6, Issue- 10 ,         Page(s) : 174 - 187  (2015 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Sugarcane crop enjoys a special importance and position in India’s agriculture sector. Regarding to that for more development of sugarcane sector, the role of sugarcane in agriculture development at regional levels should be known. Therefore, the main objective of the study is to study the sugarcane cultivation and its relation with agricultural development with the reference of some development indicators at regional level. Using the recently available secondary data, the simple descriptive statistics, decomposition analysis and Composite Development Index method have been used. The result of this paper revealed that sugarcane cultivation has shown a movement from the sub-tropical region to tropical region in India. There is no much changes had happened in district-wise level of sugarcane development in Maharashtra during the period 1998-99 to 2010-11. The contribution of area expansion is relatively more important in increasing sugarcane production as compared to productivity improvement in India and Maharashtra. Western region is much ahead than other regions of Maharashtra in terms of overall agricultural development. Therefore, the government should take more initiatives to reduce the regional agriculture imbalance in terms of sugarcane production and to make it sustain.

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