1. Goldar, B. N. (2003) Trade liberalization and manufacturing Employment: The Case of India, Employment Paper 2002/3,4, Geneva, International Labour Office.
2. GOI (2005b), Economic survey, 2005-2005; Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Economic division.
3. Overall trend in India`s foreign Trade in the Era of Pre and Post liberalization by Manish Kumar Prasad.
4. Ahluwalia, M. S. (2002), Economic Reforms in India since 1991: Has Gradualism Worked? Journal of Economic Perspectives.
5. Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy, RBI.
6. Economic Development and Human Happiness, by Suvant Kumar Verma.
7. Book on Understanding Economics, Indian Economic Development and statistics by D. K. Sethi and Mrs. U. Andrews.