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    1 Author(s):  DR.M.ROJA. DR.C. SUJATHA

Vol -  7, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 33 - 39  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In general literature says that empowerment refers to the ability of people to gain understanding and control over personal, social, economic and political forces in order to take action to improve their life situations. It is the process by which individuals and communities are enabled to take power and act effectively in gaining greater control, efficacy, and social justice in changing their lives and their environment. Central to empowerment process are actions which both build individual and collective assets, and improve the efficiency and fairness of the organizational and institutional context which govern the use of these assets. Empowerment is a social process, since it occurs in relationship to others, and it is a process along the continuum. Other aspects of empowerment may vary according to the specific context and people involved, but these three remain constant. How empowerment is understood also varies among perspectives and context.

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3. Kabeer, Naila., & Helzi Noponen.(2005).Social and Economic impacts of PRADAN's Self Help Group micro finance and livelihoods Promotion Programme: Analysis from Jharkhand, India. http//www.lmp.act.org
4. Lakshmamma, Sree. K.(2005). Empowerment of women through DWCRA program in A.P.: A case study. In Koteswara Rao (Ed.) Empowerment of women in India (pp 283-338).New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House.
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6. Malapur, Rashmi. (2008). Empowering women through Self Help Groups and Micro credit in India. Professional Banker.VIII(1) January, 2008, p64.
7. Nirmala.K.A.and Geetha Mohan.(2009).Socio-economic impact of microcredit: A Study of Measurement. In Anil Kumar Thakur and Praveen Sharma(Ed.) Micro credit and Rural Development (pp207-224).  New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications.
8. Panda, S.K. (2005).Micro finance in Economic Empowerment of weaker sections. In S.B.Verma(Ed.)  Rural Management. (pp 181-190).New Delhi:Deep & Deep
9. Rajivan,Anuradha.( 2005).Micro credit and Women's Empowerment: a case study of SHARE micro finance limited. In Neera Burra,Joy Deshmukh-Ranadive and Ranjani K.Murthy(Eds.) Micro credit, poverty and Empowerment (pp116-160).New Delhi: Sage Publications.
10. Rani,Usha., D.P.J.Reddy., & M.V.S.Reddy.(2004). Women Development: Empowerment through Self Help Groups in Andhra Pradesh. In Kiran Prasad (Ed.) Communication and Empowerment of Women (vol.2 pp616-624). 
11. Rao, M.V.(2005).Socio-Economic Development of Women: A case study of Self Help Groups in Midnapore District. In Purnendu Sekhar Das (Ed.) Decentralised Planning and Participating Rural Development (pp 155-172.).New Delhi: Concept Publishing.
12. Sankar, Kalpana.(2005).Social mobilization and micro finance for women's empowerment Lessons from the ASA Trust(Activists for Social Action, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu). In Neera Burra.Joy Deshmukh - Ranadive and Ranjani K.Murthy(Eds.) Micro credit, poverty and  Empowerment. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

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