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    3 Author(s):  PRABHAKAR, ARUN KUMAR,

Vol -  7, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 209 - 214  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Judo may be described as a science for the study of potential powers of the body and mind and the way for applying them most efficiently in compulsive activities. Hence, it is involved with the study of the laws of gravity, dynamites and mechanics as related to the function of the human body in continuation. Efficiency in Judo is certainly a valuable asset, but the real value applied to life in the effects which are training produces on the state of the body and mind. Today, the judo championship is played off under the classified body weight system to relieve handcap of body weight.

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  2. Choudhary, Rajeev “Study of selected Psychological and Physiological  Profiles of Indian Judokas as  Function of Age and Weight Categories” Unpublished Coctoral Thesis, L.N.I.P.E. Gwalior (Deemed University), 2001.
  3. George, Glass, Competitive Judo (London. Fabers, Faber, 1977) p.9
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  8. Kamaljeet Singh, “Physical Fitness of Hockey Players”, SNIPES Journal, 1 (January 1978) : 29

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