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Vol -  7, Issue- 4 ,         Page(s) : 191 - 195  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


The telephone call center industry in India has been established the last 10 years. The Industry is touted as a magic wand that will ward off unemployment for thousands of young graduates peoples. There is a concern regarding issues of health and safety that are unique to this new and developing industry. The lack of reliable and relevant information on which to base the response to this concern poses a challenge for safeguarding the health of call center employees. There is need to discussed the issues and concerns regarding the health of the call center employees, to develop recommendations to this new industry. The background for the study was a data quest survey whose result was disturbing. The call center ranked high for attrition due to health reasons, for sleeping disorders-83% compared to industry average of 39.5%, Voice loss-8.5% as against 3.9%, industry average of 39.5%, Voice loss-8.5% as against 3.9%, Other problems were ear problems (8.5%), digestive disorders (14.9%) and eye sight problems (10.6%).

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