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    1 Author(s):  SYED MUNEER

Vol -  7, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 113 - 126  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Telangana is one of the 29th states in India, located in southern India. Telangana has an area of 1,12,077 square kilometers and a population of 3,51,93,978 (2011 census) making it the twelfth largest state, and the twelfth most populated state in India. Telangana acquired its identity as the Telugu-speaking region of the princely state of Hyderabad. The name Telangana is derived from the word Trilinga, which translated to "The country of the three lingas." According to a Hindu legend Shiva descended in the "lingam" form on three mountains "Kaleshwaram, Srisailam, Drakshararam", which marked the boundaries of the "Trilingadesa" later called "Telinga". It changed over time to "Telangana".

There were about fourteen such samsthanam in the state in 1948.
2. Jagirs: There were about twelve big jagirs and many small jagirs and majority of them were in marathawada region.
3. Des=country; mukh=chief; Deshmukh=country chief.
4. It was the usual practice to grant inam (free) land to artisans and service castes to serve the requirments of villages, populated to bring land under cultivation.
5. Reddy P.N. 1983 "Telugu samethalu janajeevanam" Thirupathi Srinivas. Murali Publication.
6. Dasharathi Rangacharya 1987. Chillardevullu, Hyderabad Vishalandra 45.
7. Vattikota Alwar Swamy 1970. "Prajala Manishi," Vijayawada Vishalandra.
8. Dube S.C. 1977. "A deccan village" in M.N. Srinivas "India's villages; Bombay, Asia Publishing House. Page No. 210.
9. Srinivasulu K. 1988 "Telangana peasent movement and change in the Agrarian strueture". A case study of Nalgonda. District.
10. Ibid.
11. Dodda Narsaiah 1987. "Telangana sayudha poratam - Anubavalu znapakalu" - Hyderabad Vishalandra 24-25.
12. Thirumali Inukonda 2003. "Against Dora and Nizam".  P.No. 40.
13. Kapu literally means cultivators. Reddy, Velamas, Kammas were part of the kapus but due to internal differentions over a period of time they acquired superior caste stutus.
14. Adapa Sathyanarayana 2007. "Society, Economy and polity in modern Andra". Kanishka publishers, New Delhi. Page No. 16.
15. A.G. Hankin IG.P. considered them "Sharks of place. conf Ltr dated 24 April 1906.
16. Mukherjee 1964. "Succession of culture land scapes in Telangana Reddy villages" The Indian geographical joural XXXIX 1 & 2 p.p. 42-68.
17. Fukazawa Hiroshi 1991. "The medieval Deccan: Peasants social system and states seventeenth to Eighteenth centuries". Delhi. Oxford university press.
18. Thirumali Inukonda 2003. "Against dora and Nizam people movement in Telangana" 1939-1948. P. No. 3.
19. Census report of Hyderabad state 1921- Page No. 249
20. Ibid Page No. 257
21. Ibid Page No. 255.
22. Ibid Page No. 262. No ploughs or hoes are used trees are cut down and burnt to ashes. Handful of seed are sown in narrow holes mode in ashes.
23. Sathyanarayana A. 2007 Page No. 30. "Society, Economy, and Polity in modern Andra". Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.
24. Ibid Page No. 31.
25. Fukazawa Hiroshi 1991 "The medieval deccan : Peasants social system and states seventeeth to eighteenth centuries".  Delhi oxford university press. 

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