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Vol -  7, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 160 - 169  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


There has been a phenomenal increase in online shoppers across the globe and India has not remained unaffected from this global phenomenon. A review of extant literature on the relation between demographic factors and online purchase intention was carried out. Three demographic factors; level of education, nature of employment and age of online customers were studied in the present research. One Way ANOVA was used to study the effect of above mentioned demographic variables on online purchase intention. It was found that nature of employment and age of online customers has a significant effect on online purchase intention, whereas level of employment had an insignificant effect on online purchase intention. People who were not working are most likely to shop online followed by people working in private sector. It was also found that as age increases the intention to shop online decreases. Online retailers can segment the online shoppers on the basis of nature of employment and age of online customers. Important managerial implications deal with the identification of the preferred websites of online browsers and placing advertisements on them. Also, a larger quantum of budget should be allocated towards the youngsters as they have a stronger online purchase intention. Budget allocated towards the elders should be aimed at making them making them familiar and shedding inhibitions regarding online shopping.

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