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    2 Author(s):  SHWETA KULSHRESTHA . DR. R. K. DAVE,

Vol -  7, Issue- 6 ,         Page(s) : 212 - 219  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


New Information technology has taken important place in the future development of financial services, especially banking sector transition are affected more than any other financial provider groups. Increased use of mobile services and use of internet as a new distribution channel for banking transactions and international trading requires more attention towards e-banking security against fraudulent activities. The development and the increasing progress that is being experienced in the Information and Communication Technology have brought about many changes in almost all facets of life. In the Banking Industry, it has been in the form of online banking, which is now replacing the traditional banking practice. Online banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers’ satisfaction in terms of better quality of service offerings and at the same time enable the banks gain more competitive advantage over other competitors. This paper discusses some challenges in an emerging economy.

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