1. Baena, Rosalia. ‘The Condition of Life and Art’ in Anita Desai’s ‘In Custody’.
2. Bhatt, Indira, “Voice in the City: A Study of Monisha’s Plight,” Indian Women novelists, Set I vol. III, ed. R.k. Dhawan, New Delhi: Prestige Books, 1991.
3. Desai, Anita “In Custody” New Delhi: Penguin Books, 1984.
4. Kanwar, Asha, “A Comparative Study, Indian Women Novelist, ed. By R.K. Dhawan New Delhi: Prestige Books 1991.
5. Maina, D.S. ‘The Achievements of Anita Desai’ Indo-English Literature, ed. K.K. Sharma: Vimal Prakashan, 1977.
6. Pabby, D.K. “Women and Society: Element of Dispossession in Margaret Lawrence’s “The Diviners” and Anita Desai’s “Where Shall We Go This Summer.”