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    1 Author(s):  JYOTSNA KHAITAN

Vol -  7, Issue- 8 ,         Page(s) : 261 - 267  (2016 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


In 1990s, policy of liberalization was embarked and licenses to a small number of private sector banks were given, which came to be known as New Generation tech-savvy banks. After which the banking sector has seen a rapid growth with strong contribution from all three sectors of banks, namely, public banks, private banks and foreign banks.

1. Bansal, Shashank, Feb (2014), “Effectiveness and Limitations of Basel III – A case of India”, International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, Vol.4 (2), pp. 47-54.
2. Bansal, Shalu, Jul (2014), “Impact of Basel II norms – Scheduled commercial banks officer’s opinion”, Asian Research Consortium, Vol.4, No.7, pp 71-83.
3. Fratianni, Michele and Pattison, John C., Mar (2015), “Basel III in Reality”, Journal of Economic Integration, Vol.30, No.1, pp 1-28.
4. Kanchu, Thirupathi and Kumar, M.Manoj, Feb (2013), “Risk management in banking sector – an empirical study”, International Journal of Marketing, financial services and management research”, Vol.2, No.2, pp 145-153.
5. Kavitha, N.V. and Reddy, N.Suman, Dec (2014), “A study on the implications of Basel – III on Indian Banking Industry”, Asian Research Consortium, Vol.4, No.12, pp 145-152.
6. Keshari, Mukesh, July (2015), “Insolvency Risk of selected Indian public and private sector banks”, International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, Vol.5 (7), pp. 42-55.
7. Mallya, Prita D, Sep (2012), “The Journey from Basel I to Basel III and implications for Indian Banks”, Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, IV-I, pp 97-109.
8. Rentala, Raghavendra Rao, Nov.(2012), “Contemporary issues and challenges of Basel II accord in Risk management for Indian banking industry”, Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, Vol.2, issue 11, pp 46-58.
9. Roy, Subhasish, Aug(2013), “Cost of implementing Basel III”, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. XLVIII, No.35, pp 17-20.
10. Sharma, Mandira, Aug (2007), “Understanding Basel Norms”, Economic & Political Weekly, Vol.42, No.33, pp 3364-3367.
11. Singh, Asha, Feb (2014) “Operational Risk Management in Indian Commercial Banks”, International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, Vol.4 (2), pp 124-130.
12. Singh, Charan; Mohane, Yatin Balkrishna and Shenoy, Akshay Uday, Oct (2014), “Basel Banking Norms – A primer”, IIMB, Working Paper, No.470.
13. Tandon, Deepak; Mehra, Yogieta S and Bansal, Mansi, Apr (2015), “Risk Management practices of Indian Banks: A survey based study”, Asian Research Consortium, Vol.5, No.4, pp 118-133.


  1. 1.     Bis.org
  2. 2.      Businesstoday.indiatoday.in/story/baseliii
  3. 3.      Iimf.org.in
  4. 4.      Rbi.org.in
  5. 5.      Thehindubusinessline.com

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