1. William Peterson, A General Typology of Migration, Vol. 23,1958,p.256
2. Harshprashad Chattopadhyaya, Internal Migration in India- A Case Study of Bangal’ P. 168
3. Webste’s Third New International Dictionary, 1966, vol II, P. 1432
4. Census 1961, West Bangal: District Census Handbook Cooch-Bihar, Calcutta, 1966, P.106
5. Sujangarh Agency Report, 5 May 1870, p.140
6. Census of India 1911, Section -7, Bombay Part-I, P.G. Mid & C. Leyard Mcgregor, Bombay 1912, P.41
7. Dr. D.K. Taknet , Marwari Community, Chater-1, P.18