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Vol -  4, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 100 - 104  (2013 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Young female who are contributing their great efforts in work force and social life they are overburdened by the high moral values and tradition of their families that effect their mental health. Women whose health appears to profit most from participation in the labour force are those who may be in greatest need of social supports of their families the study was found that mental health influences the women status in different ways. Family, peer group& school security, self, study ,prospective and test context are positively correlated with mother and father acceptance in a significant manner. Peer group and school security prospective and self context security is negatively correlated with physical distress and psychological distress. In security variables are correlated with family relation variables and mental health variables at a significant level. To know about women mental health in rural as well as urban area to determine women relationship in the family’s .The aim of present study is to see the effect of family relations on psychological wellbeing among female adolescents.

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