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    1 Author(s):  HENA MELYA

Vol -  9, Issue- 3 ,         Page(s) : 58 - 68  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Childhood is an important state in life which lays foundation for developing a positive personality. The traumatic incidents happens in childhood can negatively impact the adulthood. Similarly, Adolescence is the crucial period bridging childhood and adulthood. Adolescent’s inconsistent physical and mental changes makes them vulnerable to social evils. School is an institution where children are engaged socially and spends most of the time, it is being one of the target for culprits to exploit children. Sexual abuse is considered to be one of the prime factors in destroying childhood and any form of abuse can totally break the physical, psychological and social well-being of children. School students in India are exposed to various inappropriate and unacceptable behaviors of sexual nature that may infringe their right to a supportive, respectful, dignified and safe learning environment. Greater efforts are needed to analyze and prevent sexual abuse in schools. This study has focused analyzing 25 papers in eliciting about incidents, effects of sexual abuse in schools and its preventions measures. It has concluded that the analyzed studies has reported about sexual abuse in broader context and has scope for further studies.Childhood is an important state in life which lays foundation for developing a positive personality. The traumatic incidents happens in childhood can negatively impact the adulthood. Similarly, Adolescence is the crucial period bridging childhood and adulthood. Adolescent’s inconsistent physical and mental changes makes them vulnerable to social evils. School is an institution where children are engaged socially and spends most of the time, it is being one of the target for culprits to exploit children. Sexual abuse is considered to be one of the prime factors in destroying childhood and any form of abuse can totally break the physical, psychological and social well-being of children. School students in India are exposed to various inappropriate and unacceptable behaviors of sexual nature that may infringe their right to a supportive, respectful, dignified and safe learning environment. Greater efforts are needed to analyze and prevent sexual abuse in schools. This study has focused analyzing 25 papers in eliciting about incidents, effects of sexual abuse in schools and its preventions measures. It has concluded that the analyzed studies has reported about sexual abuse in broader context and has scope for further studies.

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