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    1 Author(s):  DR. MITA MALKHANDI

Vol -  9, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 96 - 105  (2018 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Tribals have been displaced in large numbers on account of various large development projects like irrigation dams, hydro-electric and thermal power plants, coal mines and mineral-based industries. A National Policy on Relief and Rehabilitation of Project Affected Families (PAFs) was notified in February, 2004 with a relief package of seventeen parameters to be fulfilled before permitting dislocation. Thereafter, the Government of India, in October, 2007 approved a new National Policy for Rehabilitation and Resettlement. But serious work on PAFs is yet to start in tribal areas. Tribals are alienated from their lands not only by acquisition of land for public purpose, but also by fraudulent transfers, forcible eviction, mortgages, leases and encroachment. The Ministry of Rural Development has estimated the extent of alienation of tribal land in different states: Andhra Pradesh (2.79 lakh acres), Madhya Pradesh (1.58 lakh acres), Karnataka (1.3 lakh acres), Gujrat (1.16 lakh acres). Most tribals displaced by development projects or industries have not been satisfactorily rehabilitated. Those displaced have been forced to migrate to new areas and more often, have unknowingly encroached on forest lands and on record, are considered as illegal occupants. This type of displacement has led to far-reaching negative social and economic consequences. The dislocations and the uncertainty concerning their future have made such displaced tribal population an easy target for the extremists.Large number of local denizens including tribal population inJharia Coal Belt has displaced due to underground fire face various socio-economic problems.

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9. Areeparampil,M. ( 1986): Industrial Mines and Dispossession of Indigenous of People :, the Case of Chotanagpur, In Walter Fernandes and E.G. Theckral ( edited) Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation issues for National Debate . Delhi: Indian Social Institute ,P-13 to 38
10. Fernandes,Walter 1998 “Development-Induced Displacement in Eastern India”,inS.C.Dube(ed).Antiquity and Modernity in tribal India:Vol1:Continuity and Change Among the Tribals.New Delih:Inter-India Publishers,pp.217-301.
11. Govt.of India, 1985. Report of the Committee on Rehabilitation of Displaced Tribals due to Developments Projects, New Delhi: Ministry of Home Affairs.
12. Census of India ,2011
13. Master Plan for Jharia Coal Belt 
14. Singh Sunil Kumar : Inside Jharkhand, Crown Publications , Ranchi 
15. Ekka Alex: “Status of Adivasis/ Indigenous Peoples Land Series-4”,Jharkhand, Aakar Books, Delhi

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