( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  MEENU KUMARI

Vol -  4, Issue- 1 ,         Page(s) : 26 - 28  (2013 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Information is a central to our daily activities these days, the developments in information technology have made drastic changes in the way; information is collected, stored, retrieved, and distributed. Electronic journal is one of the products of information and communication technologies. The advancement of e-journal during recent years has given librarians a powerful new resource to support learning.

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1. Cleveland, Gray (1999).Selection electronic Document Formats.Ottawa: IFLA UTD core programme.

2. Babu K, Saradha B and Ramaiah, C.K. (2010), “Use of Internet Resources in the S.V. University Digital Library”. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology Vol. 30, pp. 26-31. 

3. 2. Tony, Kidd (2000), Serial management handbook: Practical guide to print and electronic serial management. Library Association Publishing, London. 

4. 3. Groote, Sandra (2001), “Online journals: Impact on print journal usage”. Bull. Medi. Lib. Assoc., Vol. 89 No. 4, pp. 372-78. 

5. 4. Kannappanavar, B.U. and Rajanikanta, S.T (2008), “Effective Use of E-Learning Materials in Medical College Libraries in Karnataka: A study”. SRELS Journal of Information Management,Vol. 45, pp.437-54. 

6. 5. Tenopir, C. & King, D.W (2001), “The use and value of scientific journals: Past, present and future”, Serials, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 113-20. 

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