1. Germaine Bree Autogynography, studies in Autobiography, P. 171.
2. Sahgal Nayantara, ‘Point of view’, a personal response to life, literature and politics, prestige books, New Delhi, 1997, P.17.
3. Catherine Drinker Bowen, Family Portrait, as quoted in Modernselves, ed. P. 18-19.
4. Nancy Friday, My mother my self, (Glasgow: Fontana, Collins,1990).
5. Conditions and Limits of Autobiography, Autobiography: Essays
theoretical and critical Ed. James Olney, Princeton university press, 1980.
6. Peter Abbs Autobiography : Quest for Identity, the Present, Vol-8,The New pelican guide to English literature, ed. by Boris Ford,1983.
7. Sodhi Meena, Indian English Writing, The Autobiographical mode,creative books, New Delhi – 1999, P87.
8. Das Kamala, My Story, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,1976, Reprint 1991.
9. De Shobha, Selective Memory, New Delhi: orient Longman, 1998.