( ISSN 2277 - 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) ) New DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH

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    1 Author(s):  RAJNI

Vol -  3, Issue- 2 ,         Page(s) : 259 - 265  (2012 ) DOI : https://doi.org/10.32804/IRJMSH


Just like one must learn the alphabet to read and write, he must also learn fundamental movement and sports skills to successfully take part in physical activities for life. These basic skills are the building blocks of physical literacy and will allow a child to move confidently, competently and with control through a wide variety of physical activity, rhythmic (such as dance) and sports situations. It also allows a child to look at and understand movements going on around them causing them to base their decisions on understanding. Research shows that without the development of physical literacy, many learners and youth stop taking part in physical activity and sports. This makes them less active and can cause them to make unhealthy choices during their leisure time.

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1. Dr Istvan Balyi and Canadian Sports for Life for their Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) programme. Dr Balyi is a world-renowned leader in this field.
2. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (1980). Lifetime health-related physical fi tness test manual. Reston, VA: Author.
3. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2000). Physical fi tness and activity in schools. Pediatrics, 105(5), 1156-1157.
4. American Heart Association. (2005). Exercise (physical activity) and children. Retrieved June 26, 2006, from http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4596.
5. Ball, G. D., & McCargar, L. J. (2003). Childhood obesity in Canada: A review of prevalence estimates and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 28(1), 117-140
6. California Department of Education. (2003). California physical fitness testing 2000: Report to the governor and legislature. Sacramento, CA: Author.

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